Sarah Mae Fabrics Gift Card
Purchase a Sarah Mae Fabrics Gift Card:
Amount: $ (Expires in 12 months)Sarah Mae's Story
The idea for Sarah Mae Fabrics was born when the owner, Lisa, needed a yard of pre-quilted white fabric one evening for an embroidery project. She had just moved to the Corsicana area from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, and soon learned that her only option for fabric was at least 40 miles away in Waco or Waxahachie. Being determined to get fabric RIGHT THEN because her idea couldn't possibly wait for an Amazon delivery, she drove one night to the nearest JoAnn Fabrics only to be greeted by... nothing! No stock. In the end, she had to go home and order online and wait.
From that moment, she knew she had to bring fabric to the Corsicana, Navarro County area. After speaking with several retired shop owners and the Small Business Development Center, she started her research began to prepare for a Summer 2019 opening.
The rest is history.
Lisa has a vision of making Sarah Mae a premier fabric shop and education center for quilting, fashion, and craft sewing. Supplies for knitting, crochet, and needlework will also be available.
The name "Sarah Mae" is inspired from Lisa's nieces, Mei and Sarah, but Lisa will answer to "Sarah Mae" also. :-)
The idea for Sarah Mae Fabrics was born when the owner, Lisa, needed a yard of pre-quilted white fabric one evening for an embroidery project. She had just moved to the Corsicana area from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, and soon learned that her only option for fabric was at least 40 miles away in Waco or Waxahachie. Being determined to get fabric RIGHT THEN because her idea couldn't possibly wait for an Amazon delivery, she drove one night to the nearest JoAnn Fabrics only to be greeted by... nothing! No stock. In the end, she had to go home and order online and wait.
From that moment, she knew she had to bring fabric to the Corsicana, Navarro County area. After speaking with several retired shop owners and the Small Business Development Center, she started her research began to prepare for a Summer 2019 opening.
The rest is history.
Lisa has a vision of making Sarah Mae a premier fabric shop and education center for quilting, fashion, and craft sewing. Supplies for knitting, crochet, and needlework will also be available.
The name "Sarah Mae" is inspired from Lisa's nieces, Mei and Sarah, but Lisa will answer to "Sarah Mae" also. :-)